A business card is one of the last things people put away before they move on with their day. Why would I hesitate to display my contact info?
A business card is one of the last things people put away before they move on with their day. Why would I hesitate to display my contact info?
I was in New Orleans this weekend and it was quite the experience. I have a lot to share with you all, but first let me catch my breath!
I went to New Orleans for a visit. Then I went to see a friend, end up breaking off that friendship, to come back to New Orleans. Quite an eventful weekend!
As much as I’m dreading my trip, I know that it means something bigger for me. This is going to be a great time!
I don’t know what is going on with my life. _________ __ ___ _ ______ _____ _ ____ / \/ \ |__\|_… ._______ ..__….___.. __ ……. …__..–~-…..______.-~-. —-~—-
I am a lifestyle blogger who writes about topics that I find intriguing. I believe in the power of words and how they can affect our lives.