The White Spots on…

What are those white spots on your nails? You do not have to worry, because I will tell you where they come from and how to get rid of them.

Midjourney – A New…

Art is born of the union between emotion and beauty. A new AI-powered beta tool, Midjourney, allows you to create text-to-image art based on text prompt input.

Surviving My First American…

I am so happy to announce that I’ve got invited to my first American wedding party! It’s going to be so exciting and different from the Vietnamese one!

A Cooling Mattress Topper…

Instantly add years of life and comfort to your current mattress with a mattress topper without breaking the bank or sacrificing on quality.

Pedicures for Men: Take…

I want to help open your mind, stimulate your senses and give you reasons why pedicures for men are pleasurable and a great way to relax.

How Much Do You…

If you have ever had an ingrown toenail, then this is the article for you! Keep reading to learn more on how to prevent getting one in the future.

Things You Don’t Know…

Navigating the world of nail lingo can be difficult. Here is my list of commonly used terms and their definitions used during professional manicures and pedicures.

Confidently Fucked

A business card is one of the last things people put away before they move on with their day. Why would I hesitate to display my contact info?

The Debauchery

I was in New Orleans this weekend and it was quite the experience. I have a lot to share with you all, but first let me catch my breath!

An Eventful Memorial Day…

I went to New Orleans for a visit. Then I went to see a friend, end up breaking off that friendship, to come back to New Orleans. Quite an eventful weekend!

Nail Etiquette, Anyone? PT.…

How are ya? Hanging in there? So if you’re just tuning in (and if you’re not, shame on you for missing out), this post is about nail etiquette.

Nail Etiquette, Anyone? PT.…

Make sure to show your nail tech you are the best by knowing nail etiquette and being a professional. Here is what everyone should know!

The Storm Before the…

As much as I’m dreading my trip, I know that it means something bigger for me. This is going to be a great time!

Have an Adequate Small…

If you’re living in a small space and are tired of the usual tips, I’ll show you how to make your small space living feel spacious and comfortable again.

Escort Services

I don’t know what is going on with my life. _________ __ ___ _ ______ _____ _ ____ / \/ \ |__\|_… ._______ ..__….___.. __ ……. …__..–~-…..______.-~-. —-~—-

The 5 Most Healthy…

Main dishes can be exciting, extraordinary desserts can be fun too. Let’s go through some amazing inspirations which you can use to prepare your meals.

The 3 Most Healthy…

The most important meal of the day is the one you eat first. Here are the three most healthy breakfast foods for every early morning:

New Skincare Routine After…

A new skincare routine is needed after the pandemic wipes out the world. Read on to hear about my new skincare routine and how I feel about it.

How to Look Thinner…

Want to know the truth behind what makes you look thinner when you wear certain clothing styles? Here are a few tips, and tricks that will help you along.

Is There Such a…

I’m going to show you a few red lipsticks shades that I love, while sharing my personal history and how they’ve fit into my life.